BRINK Fitness

BRINK Fitness
"Taking fitness to the very edge."

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rock n' Roll Marathon 2011

Yesterday I signed up for the Seattle Rock n' Roll Marathon, June 25th, 2011! I am participating in it under Team In Training, a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I hope to raise over $2800.00 and have ran 26.2 miles by the end of the day of the event. For the next five months I am going to be focusing most of my blogs recording my fitness progress, new recipes and meal plans that aid in achieving my goal and various exercises and workouts routines that hopefully will help me cross the finish line without stress or injury. Please join and assist me with your input facing the challenge of my first marathon! I need all the advice that I can get!

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