BRINK Fitness

BRINK Fitness
"Taking fitness to the very edge."

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Quote of the Day

The weather in Portland, Oregon is finally starting to look like spring (even though it was just a week ago that my garden was covered with four to five inches of snow!), but day to day I come across people who are in a "down" mood due to either the weather or frame of mind. One's mood has so much to do with their health and daily success. It is one's decision alone to be happy and exude cheer; one's unhappiness, although it is an easy crutch, cannot be blamed on the weather, the stock market or many other negatives that befall all of us. Everyday wake up, smile, and tell yourself that nothing will get under your skin. Pray, and believe me, nothing will.

"When a man is gloomy, everything seems to go wrong; when he is cheerful (and full of hope), everything seems right." Proverbs 15:15

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